Educate before you medicate
At Weeducate, we think information about cannabis should be more accessible for everyone. As cannabis is getting legalized in more states and countries worldwide, it's more urgent than ever. There are basic terms everyone should know about, and learn what effects they may bring. Are you sure you are consuming the right strain for your symptoms? Learn all of it by reading the information that others share on our platform.
Made For Everyone
Whether you are looking for strains or just some information, we've got you covered. Our homepage will guide you to our main functions, our Shops and Products. Here you can discover a place or strain without actually going there! Get a taste of the place by exploring their pictures, menu and reviews. It's nice to know where you are going!

We get it, the logo's are very cool, but we're not just a map of dispensaries. We're a community of helpful people, exploring everything the cannabis plant has to offer. Educating yourself and helping others has never been this fun!

Our Map is Worldwide
Our built in navigation makes it very easy to get to your favorite shops. Explore the map to see shops and strains your region has to offer. If your favorite shop is not on there, don’t worry! Our database is growing by the minute. If you really think it should be on there now, drop us a message! 🙂
Brands we proudly review
These are some, but not all of the farms and brands you will find on our menu's. Find your favorite names and share your experiences!